Fraternity is literally translated in Kiswahilia as “Ndugu”; a world that has been in use for Tanzanians to express brotherly or sisterly among members of the community for more than 25 years; especially during the late president Nyerere’s regime. The ujamaa Philosophy expounded by Nyerere was essentially a practical translation of living in fraternal Solidarity.
“The basic uniqueness of Nyerere’s Socialism is rooted in traditional African societies, Nyerere’s vision of socialism and an original African contribution was based on the reconstruction and regeneration of the villages community as the basis of community and political life” (Fraternity in Christ; Nyenyembe Jordan, Pauline publication Africa 2005 P 19).
Tough CWM – Tanzania is still in its Infancy stage, the fraternal life among its members is as old as the senior members of the communities who has gone through the now five regimes of Tanzania since independence; with the spirit of “undugu” i.e. fraternity among the majority resisting all efforts that has been put to erase it though a systemic change of modes of production and lifestyles.
As of to-date some members of our movement live this fraternity habitually, whereas others consider it as an adage. However all in all fraternity in today’s CWM – Tanzania is thrilling as we are discerning its values and importance towards building a just and sustainable society.
CWM Tanzania through HISA scheme (Household Investment Savings Association) is advocating a three pronged advancement among its Members that are to enliven the spirit of fraternal Solidarity.
We are emphasizing on members weekly encounters out of which the pray together make reflections on the Word of God and dialogue on a number of issues both personal as well as group concern. Of interest are the proposed two permanent agendas that keep on revolving: One; how to build a just, fraternal and sustainable group or Small Christian Community.
Second; “Sharing of the bread” the sharing of individual life experiences for the past week i.e. life hardships or success that has been realized by individual members in their household; some strength gathered or threats encountered by them in the course of the week; different new ideas and opportunities that has inspire or dishearten etc.
The encounters are supported by three solidarity actions that are meant to be hands on practice advancement activity for the group or scc. One; individual members are encouraged to save part of their weekly income through purchase of shares (hisa); whereby eventually the accumulated funds (shares) are to be borrowed by needy members and to be returned after prescribed period with an interest fee. This is meant to facilitate individual economic growth through personal or Family investment initiatives thus the connotation of Households or Family capital accumulation for Investments. Second; is the social development funds; this is a pre-decided fixed rate obligatory contribution; reached to by group member’s consensus after a thorough deliberation. The contributions are accumulated to cater for different social safety nets; those social needs that surpasses individual capabilities(i.e. arising needs for burial as well as other ceremonies that calls for community involvement; but also to some of the unforeseen incidents that needs quick mobilization of funds). It also provides seed funds for group or SCC’s activities. Last but not least; is the ecclesial development fund; again this is a pre-decided are obligatory contribution agreed to by the group and paid up by each member for Church development all levels starting from the Small Christian Community through outstation; Sub-parishes; up to episcopate and to the National level i.e. Tanzania Episcopal Conference. The fund is intended to create good habit of prior-arrangement for the up-coming events rather than remaining passive; just to be overtaken by events and start being reactive on whatever comes-up. The three strategic funds are meant to stimulate development among members of CWM Tanzania Individually, Communally and Institutionally. They form the basis for active experimentation/Implementation of all Ideas that Stem from routine dialogue in members weekly encounters thus enabling hands on practices to wholeness living of fraternal solidarity. The resources mobilized out of the three funds are empowering the base groups/Small Christian Communities to become the voice of the voiceless, especially the vulnerable of different kinds to and include the migrant. They make it possible to respond to all Contingent Measures that are called upon towards the needy from within or outside the base groups/Small Christian Communities. They are increasingly turning them into learning as well as advocacy platforms not only for the members but also for Marginalized nonmembers.
The discussion during the weekly encounters is broad based in the sense that members dialogue on various issues including those on the bearing of society, economy, environment, politics and many others that Influence their daily life pattern in their locality. The Interventions sought are not discriminatory, they take into considerations all residents in the area regardless of their religions stands ethnicity or denominations; of course during implementations their consent is Always sought before being included In the program as everything is done on voluntary.
Women have been exemplarily especially in living fraternal solidarity; they have been excelling in their group performance hence enlivening the WWM base groups on HISA Scheme: now they gaining an upper hand especially by becoming Custodians of the group’s treasury since most of them are considered trustworthy and are consistent in attending the weekly encounters. Slowly their assertiveness in group dynamics is enriching the dialogue the Meeting; especially their firm stands during loan assessment and debt recovery.
They also show Um-swayng stands once an Intervention has been decided-upon; whereas their motherly spirit in the best lubricant for charity deeds of the group/SCC.
It is now common to find more than fifty percent of leadership being accorded to women in our base groups/Small Christian Communities of course the situation differs as one climbs high in the structure due to limited educational attainment that tends to exclude them from more responsible positions.
There has been tremendous pace of transformation among some base groups/Small Christian Communities; one case in point in the Virgin Mary Small Christian Community of Rukora parish; Kabindi outstation.
This started as a SCC of few members with only 20 households being active but only prayerfulness. With the introduction of the three pronged advancement tool of HISA chem; the SCC has grown up to about 159 members who have managed to accumulate the savings portfolio of More than 40 mil. Tshs that was redistributed to members in April this years. At the end operational cycle each single share valued at 2000/=Tshs has produced additional 1000 Tshs as a profit. Alongside this achievement the SCC managed to accumulate 350,00/= for social development fund and 280.000/= for ecclesial development fund. And this separate from the other routine obligatory contributions made direct to the Church as instructed the hierarchy.
For our communities that are made-up by peasants in their rudimentary substance farming practices; this is an achievement; a clear path towards even bigger transformations. However the economic disparities among community members especially the differences between survivors, stable survivors and enterprising segments of the community possess big challenges in integrating their economies. And here comes the importance of fraternity as the common bond towards achieving communal wholeness living.
CWM – Tanzania agrees to the statement of the WMCW that fraternity is “the link”; the bridge” which livens the words “just” and sustainable.
This is out of concrete experiences gathered through the short period within which we have actively experimented the HAS scheme. Fraternity has been a prerequisite without which sharing and dialogue among Members especially on sensitive personal issues would be impossible; the review of life (Bread sharing) calls for selflessness and wholeheartedly belief in thy neighbors/group members.
The self-sacrifice for different contributions that is obligatory to base group/SCC Members needs a sense and understanding of fraternal solidarity short of which members would lack achievement motivation.
It is out of these; that living in fraternity imposes special requirement; the spirit of selflessness “do unto others that you would like done to you”. However once managed, living in Fraternity gives us joy or makes us happy. There is that sense of joining together in mind and spirit which is better reflected in word “communion” this opens-up an important gate towards one’s achieving the four basic human necessities thus; physiological, social, spiritual and intellectual. It paves the way to the creation of a just and sustainable society. However building Fraternity demands some Condition which includes honest, mutual involvement in decision-making process, good atmosphere for openness and dialogue, reconciliation and better conflict management with dedicated spirit of service done in humility.
Unity in diversity is another king pin of Fraternity; that means members are not necessarily to be uniform neither are they to be similar, but different as they are, have to integrate their different talents each contributing according to his/her unique capacity and most probably each gaining or receiving according to his/her needs. This helps to enrich one other hence the core value of Fraternity.
Fraternity confirms our Faith as much as effective way of promoting communion and participation in the actions of love and charity as authentic disciples of Jesus Christ, “to live the Gospel in the spirit of love and service”. With the unconditional love to our neighbors Peace and tranquility prevails.
As already mentioned Fraternity demands honest which is synonymous with justice, uprightness and righteousness and in the bible it is described as purity of heart. Honest comes from a heart and a mind that is pure, clean and with ought deception. Thence with fraternal life our actions are painted White with little or no stains and should contribute towards transforming the globe into a sustainable world. Among others we have chosen James 2:14-26 as the guiding text in our efforts to live fraternity life from day to day.
“My Brothers and sisters what good is it for people to say that they have faith if their actions do not prove it? So then as the body without Spirit is dead, so also faith without actions is dead”.
CWM – Tanzania has passed resolutions to adopt measures that will see transformation among its members and our neighbors. One among those Measures is the dissemination of HISA methodologies among all participating Dioceses so that It is adapted by all in their base groups/SCCs.
Already there are some grains of success in at least all of the participating Diocese Which are 7 Morogoro, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanga, Mbinga, Songea, Bukoba and Rulenge-Ngara. This is only the beginning of the long way towards building a just, Fraternal and sustainable society.