Many workers cannot have a decent life; their wages are not enough to live, employment is precarious, they suffer from poor working conditions, their work causes them illnesses and the right to unionise is denied. And, to all this, we must add child labour exploitation.
A high percentage of workers in the South, work in the informal sector: their employment situation is uncertain, job security is not guaranteed, they earn so little money that neither they nor their families can escape poverty. Access to education, health, housing and food is very limited. Most lack insurance to guarantee protection in the disease and in old age. Decent work and access to social protection and services, such as education, are essential in order to lead a dignified life.
The capitalist world system exercises structural violence. The rich countries of the North impose their economic power on the poor Southern countries. They exploit their raw materials while exporting their subsidized agricultural products, thus destroying the local economy. Multinational companies buy land, violating property and customary rights, and the subsistence of the population. Politicians try to alienate the millions of people fleeing the poverty of Europe's borders.
- Details
The NGO workshop entitled “Tripartism plus - Rethinking Social Dialogue in times of globalisation and informalization” was jointly organized by the International Catholic Centre of Geneva (CCIG), Kolping International/the German Commission for Justice and Peace (GCJP), the International Coordination of Young Christians Workers (ICYCW), International Young Christian Workers (IYCW), and the World Movement of Christian Workers (WMCW), with the collaboration of Women in Informal Economy: Globalizing and Organizing (WIEGO). Furthermore, the event was made possible with the support of the World Council of Churches (WCC).
Read the Executive summary:
- Details
Social dialogue includes all types of negotiation, consultation and exchange of information between or among representatives of governments, employers and workers on issues of common interest relating to economic and social policy. Social dialogue gives people a voice and a stake in their societies and workplaces. It is, therefore, central to the functioning of the ILO itself.
In conjunction with the 107th International Labour Conference, this event seeks to raise awareness about opportunities and challenges associated with social dialogue, highlighting its potential and limits in our societies, as well as to facilitate a creative discussion on the different positions and approaches to reinforcing Social Dialogue within and beyond the ILO, at the national and local level. The event also intends to focus on cases where social dialogue is important to create new understandings for the need to protect informal workers and other vulnerable groups in precarious work situations.
For more information on the topic, consult ILO Reports “Social Dialogue and Tripartism” and “Ending violence and harassment in the world of work”.
Land, Housing, Work for a DECENT LIFE and for all the WORKING CLASS
"A project of destruction" is what is put ahead in the world and it is referred to by the capitalist system. A brutal concentration of wealth in some hands, under the command of rentier and speculative capital, causes, year after year, that 1% of the population currently owns 82% of the total GDP. However, the bourgeois elite of the planet, which is not satisfied with such concentration of wealth, attacks the working class to take away the rights acquired in the course of time and through numerous struggles, sufferings and bloodshed. This attack takes place not only with changes in the legislation, but also with the labour precariousness and massive dismissals which increases the army of the unemployed throughout the world.
WMCW - The World Movement of Christian Workers celebrates 8th March, with all women in the world, this journey of history towards emancipation, the assumption of power and the gender equality, especially in the access to civil rights, the professional opportunities, in the family responsibilities and evokes, with affection and gratitude, all women who have assumed this cause and fight.
Celebrating the International Women’s Day continues having perfect sense because, in many places in the world, now, there are still women who are exploited, excluded, raped, trafficked, exploited sexually, slaves and killed simply because women were born. Being woman, in some countries, means submitting, above all, to be raped and humiliated in public, to be obliged to isolate in degrading conditions or to be forced into female genital mutilation. These harsh realities, even illegal or considered in the law as a crime, keep on existing and they are the cause death to many women. And the guilty go unpunished because of inertia, or even, the complicity of authorities that are governed by established traditions and remain the patriarchy, where woman is totally undervalued.
The tragedy of domestic violence - a common drama in all communities and cultures persists despite a lot of information, awareness campaign and the fact that in many countries is considered a public offence, and continues destroying many women’s lives everyday. There are still many women who suffer physical or psychological abuses, or they are killed by their husbands o partners. Women who lead suffering lives beyond time, with marks that will be perpetuated throughout their lives.
- Final Declaration of the International Meeting of Workers' Organisations, Rome, November 2017
- Message of Pope Francis to the participants in the International Conference “From Populorum progressio to Laudato si’”, Vatican City, November 23rd-24th, 2017
- Prayer for 7th October, 2017
- The World Movement of Christian Workers will gather in Spain for its International Seminar and General Assembly
- Final Statement of the International Seminar and General Assembly of WMCW - Ávila (Spain) 2017
- WMCW May 1st Statement: "Long Live the Working Class!"
- Prayer for the 7th October: World Day of Decent Work in the WMCW
- Rome 2016: 3rd World Meeting of Popular Movements "A cry of hope"
- WMCW International Council and ECWM Coordination meetings to prepare their next General Assembly
- Being a Woman: A Statement of the World Movement of Christian Workers on the occasion of the International Women's Day, March 8th
- Message of the WMCW on the occasion of Labour Day 2016